When thinking of what to put on your JourneyMarker, either for yourself or as a gift, think "outside of the box". It makes your JourneyMarker that more personal!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I have more than five mile markers on my Hanging Style JourneyMarker?
Absolutely. If you want to add additional mile markers at another time just order them on our web site as we will need most of the information as we do not keep old orders.
2. Are the JourneyMarkers OK for outdoors?
Yes. Just don't hang them on the edge of the roof if there are no gutters; nor any other place that gets excess water.
3. How do you calculate the mileage?
Two ways. "As the crow flys" and driving distance. If the distance seems to be a drive away then we use a driving calculater such as MapQuest. If the distance seems to be flight away then we use an airline calculater.
4. Where can I hang the JourneyMarker?
Anywhere you want. It weighs 8 lbs so you can hang it on a tree or on your ceiling. Where ever you want.
5. Do we ship overseas?
Yes we do. Contact us for more information

Want Some Tips?
• Use either a name/place, a city, a state or a country on each mile marker. Not both. For example, no need to put "Key West, FL". Use just "Key West" instead. It looks more personal and who ever has the JourneyMarker will know exactly where these destinations are.
• When thinking of what to put on your individual mile markers, think in "micro terms". It makes your JourneyMarker that more personalized. For example, instead of putting "Key West" as one of your mile marker choices put that favorite B&B that you love to go to or maybe that special restaurant, beach or pub instead.
• We have Gift Certificates too!
Giving a JourneyMarker as a gift but not sure what to put on it?
Then click on the PDF file,
print it out and give it to
your gift recipient!